Math is an essential skill and one of the few school subjects required until high school graduation.
Building a solid math foundation improves number-based problem solving as well as in many other subjects such as Science, Music and Geography.
Our 1-8 online tutoring services utilize online platforms such as "Prodigy" and "SplashLearn" to not only foster Mathematical understanding but to encourage students to learn outside the classroom.
Establishing a strong foundation will not only boost your child's confidence in their abilities, but also make learning Math fun.
Math can be one of the most challenging subjects in school today. At Tiny Tinker Teacher, there area a few tricks we like to use:
We utilize engaging math games to supplement repetitive memorization tasks. Many are available to play outside of our teaching session!
Our Teachers have access to a wide variety of online tools that help with Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, BEDMAS and other math functions.